Announcement of Rewards for National Taipei University of Technology Student Dormitory Energy Saving and Electricity Conservation Competition
一、 活動宗旨:推動優質宿舍,期許學生藉由日常的隨手關燈和節約能源等良善的生活習慣,培養從生活中實踐「節能減碳」目標,為地球的永續發展盡一份心力。
1. Purpose of the Activity: To promote quality dormitories and encourage students to cultivate good habits such as turning off lights when not in use and saving energy in daily life. By practicing "energy saving and carbon reduction" goals in life, students contribute to the sustainable development of the earth.
二、 主辦單位:學生事務處生活輔導組。
2. Organizer: Life Guidance Section of OSA (Office of Student Affairs).
三、 經費來源:請廠商加入用電金額於獲獎寢室電力系統中。
3. Funding Source: Electricity expenses contributed by sponsors will be allocated to the power system of winning dormitories.
四、 執行單位:學生宿舍自治委員會
4. Executive Unit: Student Dormitory Committee
五、 比賽對象: 東校區一舍、東校區二舍、新北宿舍、南港宿舍。全體住宿生。
5. Competition Participants: All residents of East dormitory, Xinbei dormitory, and Nangang dormitory.
六、 比賽時間:
6. Competition Period:
七、 評選辦法:
7. Evaluation Method:
八、 獎勵辦法:
8. Reward Method:
九、 得獎公布:得獎寢室將於每年12月及5月公告於宿舍公布欄及學務處最新消息。
9. Announcement of Winners: Winning dormitories will be announced on the dormitory bulletin board and in the latest news from OSA's website in December and May each year.